Saturday, November 21, 2020

Soft cut glass

 Hi everyone! How are you all today? Strangely, I feel very Christmassy. I am resisting putting up a tree or shopping, but I really feel like I could use a little Christmas. Why do you think that is?

I don't know about you, but the rhythm of my life has dramatically changed in the last eight months. Nothing seems to be going the way that it always has. Case in point-- today I have a finished quilt top! What? I know, and here it is on Saturday, when we all know Fridays are for finishes. Why not? Up is down right now, down is sideways, and sideways hasn't left the house in weeks. I didn't get a chance to take pictures earlier this week, but here is the latest top:

This is not what I had envisioned when I started making blocks, but it's finished nonetheless. And I think it turned out okay!

In 2019, I made the cut glass dish blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. And then a number of things happened, including moving to Baltimore, and somehow I got sidetracked and didn't finish the blocks. (I hate it when that happens.) They have been in a project box ever since.

This made me very sad, because I really *love* these blocks. I think they turned out really well and so pretty! I tried several layouts, but didn't like any of them, and as much as I love the blocks, I just didn't want to make any more of them. Maybe one, but not a dozen more, and I didn't want to do the math to make an on-point layout or something really creative. I just don't have the mental space to do that right now.

Alternate blocks to the rescue! I grabbed a bit of this fun confetti print that I'm pretty sure I purchased on a pre-COVID shopping trip with Preeti and cut some alternate blocks. After that, it was short work to put all the blocks into rows and add a small but colorful border. The border just acts as a frame and keeps the edges of the blocks from popping, but it includes all the colors in the top and I think it really adds something. 

This top finished at about 66 by 76, and is just the right size to be donated to a worthy organization, so off it is going, along with a backing and binding, to be quilted up and given away to give some comfort to someone who needs it. Someone gets a quilt, and I get an empty project box. Win, win!

Hope you all are having a lovely weekend. I will be painting the new garage door, then maybe I'll make some sugar cookies. You won't tell if I cut them into festive Christmassy shapes, will you? It will be our secret!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC2020.


  1. What a pretty RSC flimsy, Mari!! Sometimes, we just have to give in to Plan B when our quilt plans exceed our energy level. It's all good. Scraps were USED and someone will get a cozy quilt out of your efforts!

  2. I love how that turned out, Mari - very happy colors! Looks like you found the perfect alternate fabric and border, too. Someone will get a lot of comfort from your beautiful quilt!

  3. This turned out beautifully--soft soft and charming...lovely work ;)))
    hugs from afar, Julierose

  4. I just love it with your cool hexie and confetti fabrics especially. What a pretty setting you have too, for photos. How's the garage coming alone?

  5. your quilt turned out really great - pretty colors and donating it - I hope someone will appreciate it!!

  6. Very pretty! I know what you mean about not having the mental space to do any heavy lifting. It's so interesting how we just know that we are "done" with a project!

  7. I think this quilt top is perfectly lovely! My mental space for heavy lifting has vanished too. I can't wait for this semester to be over, and I'm really hoping for ZERO students enrolled in my courses next semester.

    I have 2 students in a speech course who enrolled, didn't drop, but have never turned in a single assignment since August. Now I'm worried that they will try to push everything into the final month. They are home schooled students, and the only response I've had from their adult/parent/guardian is "I'll check".

  8. Very nice! I never pass up that type of background as it is perfect for this kind of situation.

  9. I just love your alternate block fabric. It just makes this beautiful quilt sing. Congrats on emptying that box.

  10. Great finish! Love it when it all comes together nicely. Someone is sure to enjoy the lovely colors.

  11. This is a lovely, bright & cheerful quilt. Just what everyone needs at this point in time.

  12. that is a lot of hsts - very pretty quilt

  13. What a lovely top! That confetti print is perfect to set off your wonderful blocks.

  14. A great top -- love the colors in the go with fab and the border. Funny, but I never think what day it is when I finish either a top or a quilt. I'm always happy it is done! Enjoy your sugar cookies -- maybe add some red and green sprinkles!

  15. The border fabric ties all those lovely blocks together so well! It's just a lovely quilt, and will make someone very happy! Have a cookie or two for me!

  16. I love the confetti fabric and the quilt! Do not blame you for not making more of the blocks! Hugs

  17. It turned out great! I like the alterniate setting blocks - adds happiness to it!

  18. The rainbow sprinkles fabric reads beige from afar and gives a subtle, modern look to this traditional pattern. That hexie fabric is so yummy. 66 by 76 is a nice generous size. I am sure it will be loved, wherever it goes. Why does it feel like Christmas? I dunno. Sugar cookies? Are they gluten free? How? Almond meal, may be.

  19. Sometimes a simple alternate block really lets the fancy blocks shine! I love how the fun colors of that confetti print look different from various distances. And the hexie border is just the right touch. Emptying a project box is quite rewarding :)

  20. I think it is just perfect. The alternate blocks seem to let the pieced blocks pop and I love it. Great finish Mari whether you planned for this design or some other. Love the rainbow background.
    How were the cookies? Hope they were/are (?) yummy.

  21. Beautiful finish on that quilt top! We bought a new slender 7.5' prelit (white lights) Christmas tree for our foyer (big sale - good price). When it came home, I set it up and we've been enjoying it for 2 weeks now (the lights are such a joy now that it gets dark so much earlier). My sister in MI has her outdoor lights. up and turned on (again, darkness and craving things that are good and happy). Yes, I've noticed lots of folks moving ahead with a blend of turkeys and mangers this year - I'm glad some of the hard and fast rules are being bent.

  22. Such a happy quilt in colors, and happy to be out of its box to be finished (quilted) and given a forever home. Beautiful!

  23. It’s beautiful, and I absolutely comprehend the need for mental space. I could really use some right now!

  24. Really love it! You are an inspiration to me with this. I think I could do it for the RSC next year. The offset blocks make it. I can see feathers or quilting designs in the open spaces. Just an idea.

  25. What a beautiful flimsy! I guess we all get to the point when we just want to be done. Looks like you found a great way to make that happen. Enjoy your holiday. I keep thinking that things will have to start to be more normal again eventually.


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!