Hi everyone, and welcome back to the Intricate Stitches quilt! This month's color is a deep green, which I have to admit I was just not feeling right now, but I think I've chosen an okay block for this month:
It's been raining all week, so I apologize for the somewhat gray pictures! |
This is Triangle Star, a block from the 1920s. This is #2243 in Barbara Brackman's encyclopedia and is usually made in just two colors. However, I just had to toss in a second green to liven it up a tiny bit. You could just do away with the second green and make those pieces white instead. Or heck, choose another color altogether and make those pieces in that color. I suggest a really bright fuschia. :)
Let's get going--
From the white, cut :
4 3-1/2 inch squares
4 2-1/2 inch squares
36 1-1/2 inch squares
8 1-7/8 inch squares
From the first green (the dominant green) cut:
2 3-1/4 inch squares
8 1-1/2 by 2-1/2 rectangles
32 1-1/2 inch squares
8 1-7/8 inch squares
From the second green (the accent color) cut:
1 4-1/2 inch square
4 1-7/8 inch squares
Done! On to construction! When making ths block, use your best judgment about how to press the seams. I always press toward the dark or toward the least-pieced side. There are a lot of seams here, so press so that there is the least bulk in the seam and things lay flattest.
Make the units:
I don't know how anyone in the 1920s made this block, but like almost all the blocks with many pieces, this block can be broken up into a number of smaller and more familiar units. All of these units are super-easy to make but may be smaller than you're used to. Just take it slow and you'll be putting this block together in no time.
Half-square triangles:
This block needs 24 half-square triangles that finish at 1 inch. Don't be scared! For a size this small I like to make what I call "cheater" hsts. It wastes a little bit of fabric, but it's well worth it for the aggravation it saves. To make cheater hsts, take 24 of the white 1-1/2 inch squares and draw a line from corner to corner on the back of each one. Pair these up with the green 1-1/2 inch squares and stitch right on the line.
Cut 1/4 inch away from the stiched line, open up, and press. This should give you 24 perfect 1-1/2 inch hsts. Put these aside for now.
Flying geese:
You'll need 8 flying geese that will finish at 1 by 2 inches in the block. Use the green 3-1/4 squares and 8 1-7/8 white squares to make the flying geese using the "heart" method. (found
Geese should measure 1-1/2 by 2-1/2 inches.
House units:
You'll need 4 "house" units for this block. Use the 2-1/2 inch white squares and 8 1-1/2 green squares to make this unit. Draw a line from corner to corner on the back of each green square. Place these as you would to make a flying goose unit, stitch, trim, and press. Make 4 houses.
Flag units:
These are super-easy, but make sure that you place the white squares properly. Take the 8 1-1/2 by 2-1/2 inch green rectangles and the 8 white 1-1/2 inch squares. Draw a line from corner to corner on the back of each of the white squares. Place the squares on the ends of the green rectangles as shown:
Stich on the line, trim, and press. Make 8 of these flag units, 4 with the triangles to the left and 4 with triangles to the right.
Square in a square units:
Last pieces! You should have the 4 1-7/8 inch squares of the accent green left. Take those and the remaining 1-7/8 inch green squares. Cut the dark green squares each in half once to make 2 triangles.
Take 4 of the resulting triangles and add them to the sides of the accent square to make a square in a square unit. Make 4.
That's a lot of units!
Now that they're finished, it's time for assembly.
Take the 3-1/2 inch white squares, the 24 tiny half-square triangles, and the 4 1-1/2 inch white squares. Lay them out as shown:
Notice that the long sides of the green triangles touch the large white triangle. Stitch up 4 of these units.
Side units:
First, take the flag units and the flying geese and stitch them together as shown. Notice that these are mirror images of each other.
Make 4 each.
Next, take the square in a square units and the house units and stitch them together as shown. It may help to use a pin through the points so that they match while stitching.
Make 4 of these units.
Take the pieces you've just assembled and stitch them together as shown. Again, some pins may help to match the points.
Make 4 of each of these side units.
Time for final assembly! Lay out the units as shown, stitch into rows, and then join the rows together into a block.
Give it a good final press and stand back and admire your beautiful block!
We are almost halfway through the blocks! Here is the set so far:
May is a two-block month so that we'll end up with 12 blocks at the end of the RSC challenge in November, so come back on May 24 for a second block. It may or may not be green, but I promise that one will be very easy!
As always, if you've made some blocks and have some pictures, I'd love to see!
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soscrappy for RSC16.