According to my handy-dandy quilty records, I finished 18 quilty projects this year. Yahoo! This seems like a lot to me because of the move and everything that came with it, which derailed many of my plans for the year. The most popular project this year was this little topper:
Wildflowers topper |
Started at the old house, finished at the new one! It surprises me that this was so popular, but it is super cute and now lives on a small table in my living room, where it can be a bright spot in my day. And look-- it's quilted and bound! Kind of different for this year.
I made some other small quilts this year, too, including these two for my daughter's cats:
Pets need quilts too |
Hey, our furry friends need love, too! I also did two small ones for charity:
Jack and Jill |
And this one from a quilt along from Sandra:
Beothuk Stars |
You know I do a bunch of scrappy projects every year (because I'm swimming in scraps), and I finished a few tops for those, too. This was an RSC project that got put together into a top:
Twelve hundred and more |
And so was this one (still not quilted!):
Dancing Stars |
My RSC Squared Away top from 2018 got quilted up and is in my living room:
Squared Away |
And I pieced two tops for the RSC so far this year, this little beauty:
Hollow 9-patches |
And this one too:
Tiny Tuesday top |
I did a lot of other things, too. I made a baby book:
Soft signs of love |
And some bigger tops:
![]() |
Okay, the one on the upper left is a finished quilt that now lives in my office, which is either boiling or freezing, depending on the day (or sometimes on the hour.) |
And a lot of blocks:
And I even requilted a quilt I had previously finished:
Ripped and restitched |
That was quite a lot of stitching! And a lot of fun, too, for the most part. Now that we've looked back some, let's take a look ahead, shall we?
2020 plans
Before I wrote this post, I felt like I had had a "rebuilding" year, one where you fail a lot but set yourself up for future success. Somehow moving 90 miles was harder than moving 900 miles, and a lot of my plans got derailed. I accomplished *none* of my 2019 goals-- not one!-- because life kept getting in the way, but I think now that it turned out okay anyway. Some of it certainly turned out pretty!
For our next quilty year, I think I'll stick with some smaller goals. I'll keep working on getting those tops quilted up into cozy, comforting pieces, get back on some kind of posting schedule, and (finally) launch Academic Quilts, the small quilt pattern company I've been planning and working on sporadically. I'm hung up on the illustrations, but much of it is ready to go, so it's past time to get that going. I was also thinking of starting a Wednesday "work in progress" link up, but I've done no planning for that at all, and I don't know how it would be received. Wouldn't want to give a party and have no one show! I do like link parties, though, especially ones where you can get to be a regular, so let me know if that's something you'd be interested in, too.
My main goal, though, is to leave more comments, visit more often, and keep on building this wonderful, supportive, and fun community. This year especially, your comments and suggestions have really buoyed my spirits and your projects have provided so much inspiration. I am grateful for all of you and for this community. It's good to be among friends!
Hope and kindness |
And with that, it's on to 2020! Wishing you nothing but peace, joy, and happiness in the new year. May this be our best year yet! Let's pledge to fill it with hope, kindness, gratitude, and joy-- and lots of fabric, thread, color, and quilty goodness, too, of course!
Happy new year, all!
Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, Cheryl's Best of 2019 at Meadow Mist Designs, and Yvonne's 2020 Planning Party at Quilting Jetgirl.