Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Kick blocks complete

Hello again! Happy Tuesday! Remember these blocks?

These were extra pieces from a border I'm not going to use with Celtic Solstice. I called them "kick blocks" because they looked to me like they were kicking.  Well, I have finished those into a cute baby quilt.

I thought at first that I was going to make a baby girl quilt, but I decided to make it more generic when our neighbor told us that they are expecting not one but TWO new grandchildren later this year. Extra happiness! One of their children is expecting a boy and the other wants to be surprised, so they are not finding out the baby's gender beforehand. (Apparently, that's a big thing now.) I now have a small stash of baby and children's quilts, so I think I will let my neighbor choose a couple before I donate the rest to Children's Hospital.

I really like how this one came together. I'm especially happy that the extra pieces got used and aren't cluttering up the sewing room. I have a few extra blocks that I will use on the back--no waste! That is always the happiest part. The border is a fabric by Kim Schafer, who has really fun, interesting patterns and fabrics. Since it is half-inch squares, I cut it on the line (with scissors!) old-school style, like you would cut a plaid. I think the results were worth the extra time. You can see it a little better here:

Very sunny and windy today, so hard to get a good picture in the sunshine! The wind has been blowing branches down all over the neighborhood, so there is definitely a front coming through.

Everyone have a great week. Now that it's June (how did THAT happen?) I am back to putting in 40 hours a week, mostly in library and writing work and prep for next year. Loving the work, but I have got to find a way to bring my office outside for the summer. It's too nice to stay indoors, and in this area our summers are short, so we have to make the most of them.

Linking up with Connie at Freemotion by the River and Patchwork Times, and WIP Wednesday if I remember. Also, those of you who are familiar with Sarah's blog at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and her awesome Whoop Whoop Fridays, she has a small fundraiser going on HERE for one of her grandchildren. Worth taking a look!

See you all on Friday! Happy sewing!

1 comment:

Paulette said...

That's awesome! Love the "kick" blocks and the multicolored border.