Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Just for fun

Hi everyone!  How's your week going?  Mine is insane.  It's time to face the facts--it's not possible to continue with the regularly-scheduled quilty projects and work *and* move at the same time.  It just is beyond the limits of normal humans.  I don't claim to be all that normal, but I did pack up most of my fabric and other sewing things this past weekend.  I had 5 boxes, which seems like a lot to me, since this is such a tiny condo.  I may have a fabric problem.

You know I just had to leave some fabric out to play with.  You know, for stress relief purposes. There's plenty of that around here right now!  So here's what I was playing with earlier:

This is a test block for a quilt I drew up for this thing that's going on on Instagram called 30 days of quilt design.  The idea is that you draw out some thing to do with quilty design for 30 days between now and the end of October.  There are prizes, too, but the exercise is what I'm really interested in.  Rachel at Stitched in Color is running this, and her post about it is HERE.  Go read it for more!

A long way of saying that this is my sketch for this quilt:

Just hsts and squares kind of mixed together.  I called this quilt design "Kissy, kissy" because all of the pieces "kiss" in the center of the block.  The colorful parts here are 8 inches square, so the larger block up at the top of the post is 16 inches square.  A few of those would make a fast quilt!

Alternate layout for the individual blocks.

These were fast, easy, and fun!  And relaxing!  Everything I want sewing to be.  I don't have a pattern or anything, but the hsts are 4-1/2 inches and finish at 4 inches, and the square sections are made up of 2-1/2 inch colorful squares, 2-1/2 inch white squares, and 2-1/2 by 4-1/2 strips.  You can make 2 blocks from 3 charm squares, if you have any matching ones,  Or non-matching!  You could make everything smaller or bigger, too, depending on how fast you'd want that quilt to come together.

Another alternate layout!

 As I said, I was just playing around.  It was relaxing.  I have some more fabric out, but realistically I probably won't get much done this week.  There are more boxes to fill and a husband to keep fed--oh, and students!  Let's not forget them!

One last thing for this post--Bernie at Needle and Foot nominated this little blog for a One Lovely Blog award!  I'll say more about this later, but many, many thanks to Bernie, who has a lovely blog that you should definitely go visit!

Everybody have a great week!  I have a post planned next week for the Intricate Stitches quilt, plus a nice finish post for the week we actually move, so I'll still be around.  And you know that I'll be reading your posts obsessively and living vicariously through you, so be sure to pet some fabric for me!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Finished or Not Friday.


Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

I'm new to quilting, about 1 year now, and I've stayed away from blocks like this, they seem so complex to look at. You've done a great job showing the breakdown of the pieces. I may have to give this one a try.

Bernie Kringel said...

What a great block Mari. I love the endless combinations to be made with simple HST's and squares. Really cute - with any of the layouts you showed, there would be nice secondary patterns too.
Now quit goofing off and go pack a box. I will go in the sewing room and channel you while I stitch something up. Not really, I goofed off all day yesterday so today is chores and errands. ;-)

the zen quilter said...

Those blocks are quite fun. And I love how the while forms a secondary pattern. I would play that up when quilting.

Marlene said...

Love this block Mari. So many possibilities. Good luck with the packing.

Shelina said...

Good luck with your move - there is no way I could move and quilt at the same time. Your block is really pretty.

Sara said...

Kissy kissy is adorable. This will be a fun quilt. I really like the layout with each going a different direction. Best wishes on that move!

JanineMarie said...

What a cool block! And I love the two secondary patterns of the on-point square and the plus sign. They'll be wonderful for quilting. I'm amazed at how much you got done while packing. I wish you well on the move. Around here cooler nights are predicted, so if they get to you, they might help. And congrats on the OLB award. 😀

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

Great block, i love how it creates secondary patterns with different layouts. Lovely bright colours too. Good luck with your move, I hope you will be showing pics of your new sewing space.

Jo said...

I know what you mean. I wish I only had 5 boxes. I had about 100 of the 55ltr tubs and 28 cardboard boxes. I have filled one room with tubs. Boy to I have to get busy and use some up. At least when you move you really get to clean up and sort things out.

KaHolly said...

Ha! Reality strikes! Glad you left out one project...LOVE it! XO

Quiltdivajulie said...

Good luck juggling all those BIG projects . . . kissy kissy is a good solid design with many ways to play with the colors. Like it!!

Patty said...

Love the blocks!

Puppilalla said...

Wonderful, how cool that you are actually stitching up a design of your own that you entered in the quilt design challenge. Kissy Kissy will be looking great once rendered in fabric. I am looking forward to seeing more of your work on IG.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

what a cute easy pattern - I think I have seen this one floating around blog land but I don't remember where

Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts said...

So nice you got in some sewing time for relaxation amidst the chaos.

maggie fellow said...

great design

Snowcatcher said...

I really like your design, as well as the name, and you've intrigued me with this month-long challenge. I don't know if I can squeeze one more thing into my next 30 days, but if you can do it with all you've got going on and still get a quilt block or two finished, too, well, let's say you inspire me...

Sandra Walker said...

Great design! I will check out the design link you provided. Would love to be a part of something that would force er make er encourage me to do what I often pledge to myself to do, design a bit every day. I smiled at the stress relief part! Totally can empathize!

Miaismine said...

Jaw dropping pretty! I love the design, the colors, the way you explained it! Your design is also fabulous. I shared the 30 days of quilt design with my daughter - she is quite talented at designing. I fell in love with your block and design.....Would you mind if I added this to my 2017 quilty dreams to do list?

Rachel said...

Very pretty. That last layout almost looks like a flock of birds, or bats! Good luck with the move!