Welcome back to the Intricate Stitches BOM quilt! It's time for a red block at last, which will certainly give the quilt a shot of nice, warm color. This is our eleventh block, can you believe it? At this rate, we'll be done in no time.
Here is this month's block:
This block is called Arrow Crown, from a book by Thelma Heath from 1940. This is #1164 in Barbara Brackman's
Encyclopedia. Like all of our blocks, it looks complicated, but is made up of really common units that come together in a nice pattern at the end.
Let's make this block!
You will need two main colors plus a background and an accent color. I used a deep red and gold, plus a shot of yellow-green for an accent. I almost went with orange, but the green gave it a nice zing, don't you think?
From the red, cut:
1 4-3/4 inch square*
3 4-1/4 inch squares
4 2 inch squares
From the gold:
2 4-3/4 inch squares*
1 3-1/2 inch square
4 2 inch squares
From the white:
1 4-3/4 inch square
2 4-1/4 inch squares*
4 2-3/8 inch squares
4 2 inch squares
From the yellow-green:
8 2 inch squares
*These are for making half-square triangles, so you can oversize these if you need to.
Done with cutting--let's go sew this block!
The first step is to make the half-square triangles. Since we need 8 of each of the colors, let's use the "Magic 8" method, okay? It's fast and easy! Use
this tutorial and the red, gold, and white 4-3/4 inch squares to make 8 gold/ white, and 8 red/gold hsts.
If you normally oversize your hsts and cut them down to the right size, you can use 5 inch squares and have plenty of room for trimming. In no time at all we'll have a couple of nice, colorful piles of hsts. These should be 2 inches to finish at 1-1/2 inches in the block. Here's a tip--if you press the squares after you stitch them together, it's easier to get accurate cuts between the stitching lines.
Is anyone else thinking "Gryffindor"? |
Done with those! On to the flying geese--
Take one of the 4-1/4 inch red squares and the 4 2-3/8 inch white squares and make 4 flying geese using the "heart method," found
HERE. These should each measure 2 by 3-1/2 to finish at 1-1/2 by 3 in the block.
On a side note, I've never oversized these to make larger geese to cut down, but if you have, just be sure the final geese measure 2 by 3-1/2 so they'll be the right size in the block.
One more unit to make! On to the quarter-square triangles--
Take the remaining red and white 4-1/4 inch squares and cut all of them from corner to corner twice to make 4 triangles:
Position the triangles like this and stitch them all together in red and white pairs:
Press the seams towards the red. Stitch the pairs into 4 quarter square triangles that measure 3-1/2 inches to finish at 3 inches in the block.
Yes, there are other ways to make quarter square triangles, but I think this is the fastest way and it goes pretty quickly. It's also really accurate because you only have to cut and stitch once. Try it--it's fun!
That's it for the units, now we'll move on to putting them together!
First, take the quarter square triangles and the flying geese and stitch them together as shown:
These are the side pieces. Make 4 of these.
Next, gather all of the hsts and the squares that you cut at the beginning.
Set aside the gold 3-1/2 inch square for the final assembly. To make the corner pieces, lay out the squares and triangles as shown to make 4 blocks. Notice that there are two different layouts and that they are mirror images of each other. Make 2 of each, paying extra attention to the positions of the hsts. The golds "kiss" in the center like fun little butterflies.
That's it! For the final assembly, lay out the corners, side pieces, and the center yellow square as shown:
Stitch the units into rows and then join the rows into the final block. Press and then stand back and admire your beautiful block!
As noted above, this is block number 11! Just as a reminder, there is one more block for the sides of the quilt, and then in November will be the center medallion block for my quilt. If you don't want to make the center medallion, you are only 1 block away from a finished quilt! And if anyone has any great ideas for a medallion block, I'd love some suggestions!
Have fun making this beautiful block and come back on October 4 for the 12th Intricate Stitches block!
Sharing at Linky Tuesday, Let's Bee Social, and soscrappy for RSC16.