Wednesday, May 22, 2024

On hiatus

Hello quilty friends! I was really hoping not to have to write this post, but here we are. Things have taken a turn, as they say, and I need to put the blog on hold for a bit. If you're a blogger, you know that it takes a bunch of time and energy (and sewing!) but I just don't have that right now. It's time to admit that I can't photograph and write and plan and also look after what I need to look after at the moment. So, I need to take a break.

Not quilty, but enjoy this calming mountain view!

Not to worry! I love blogging and connecting with all of you, so I will be back. I can't tell you when that will be, though. Probably a couple of months. I am turning off comments to keep the spammers and such away, but you can email me at academicquilter at gmail dot com if you feel like it. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful summer (or winter, depending on where you are) with lots of fun quilty projects.  See you soon!
