Saturday, August 12, 2023

Sunny yellow weekend

 Hi all! We are back from our vacation, which was so, so nice. We got to see our friends and relax a lot. I even read five books in a week. It was heavenly. I didn't take a computer with me, so I got a chance to (mostly) unplug. I highly recommend it! And if you are looking for a good vacation spot to do this, I also highly recommend the Great Lakes. Nice cool water, lovely views, lots to do in town, light late into the evening, and nature all around. You cannot beat it. Did I mention how relaxing it was?

Anyway, we've only been home a couple of days, so I have not had a lot of sewing room time. I'm okay with this! Still feeling that relaxation vibe. The only thing I've done is make the yellow Peace and Plenty blocks:

Are those not bright and happy? The flowers flourished in our absence, though the tomato plant looks a bit worse for the wear. Good thing there are plenty of farm stands right now.

I also threw together two 6-inch yellow blocks:

You can see that a little yellow leaf sneaked in there, too. Falling from the heat, I think, not from the change of season yet! These were super fast to make, and I just had a great time working with the yellows. Might be my favorite color. There are some other colors in contention, but it's a tough choice.

That's it for me this week! Still doing mountains of laundry and getting ready to start school in a couple of weeks. I'll leave you with this photo of the lake from the patio of our rental house:

Have a great weekend, all!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC23.


Cathy said...

How good to hear that you had a wonderful time on vacation! The adorable yellow blocks seem to match your upbeat mood!

Sara said...

A vacation near water - lake or ocean - is my happy place. It rarely happens however because it's NOT my husband's happy place. LOL Glad you had a relaxing time. Great yellow blocks.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I like vacations near mountain lakes or a fast moving river so pretty and relaxing. Sorry you have to get ready for school again so many teachers are burning out from that profession - good luck

Jeanna said...

Your yellow blocks are so pretty and cheerful. Wishing you a great school year ahead.

Bernie Kringel said...

Mari it sounds like a perfect vacation. You were wise to leave the laptop at home. Hurray for relaxation!!

Susie H said...

Welcome home. Your yellow blocks are very sunny & cheerful. I'd love to know where you stayed on the Great Lakes. I think Mom would enjoy that maybe next summer. That view from your patio is absolutely stunning!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

So happy, Mari, you had such a relaxing enjoyable getaway. And these sunny yellows are all beautiful. I love to see those blocks together. What a cheery quilt they will make.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

So glad you enjoyed your vacation and really relaxed! The yellow blocks you had time for are lovely - I especially love the Peace and Plenty blocks. Really, they are pretty in every color!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Your yellow blocks make me happy, Mari! So does that view from your vacation home!!!

grammajudyb said...

So glad your vacation was a good one! Sounds like the perfect place! Love those Peace and Plenty blocks! Hopefully your school experience won’t be wrought with unnecessary restrictions and regulations!

Jannette said...

We've also just returned from a vacation on Lake Ontario - Wilson, NY to be specific. Rented a beautiful cabin, with easy access to the lake, and a 20 minute drive to Niagara Falls. What is it about a vacation near the water that's so calming? (Needless to say, that cabin is alread reserved for our vacation there next year!)

Kate said...

So glad you had a relaxing vacation. We did a vacation to the Great Lakes a few years ago, it was one of our favorite trips. Very fun yellow blocks. Hope you have a chance to get in a bit more sewing before school starts up.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Lovely Yellows!!
but I like the relaxing and reading and cool part better!!!! Glad you got to do that.... its good for the soul!!!

Preeti said...

Oh you so deserved a vacation and I am glad you had a great time but thrilled that you are back and sewing up a storm now! Mountains of Laundry :-D You know what Joy calls them mountains of laundry - Mount Washmore!

Bonnie said...

So big question here! Where were you? We used to visit family in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. But haven't for many years. And Lake Michigan isn't what I call warm! Glad you had a relaxing time. Your yellow blocks look so fresh!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

It looks like you had a wonderful time on vacation, lovely photo of the lake too.
Pretty yellow blocks!

JanineMarie said...

Up North is just what the doctor ordered. You just can’t beat sitting by a Great Lake and reading the day away. And sewing yellows when you’re back home is a sunny way to end the vacation. The best thing about after-vacation laundry is that you can say, “Oh, I’ll just sew a few blocks while I wait for the washer to finish,” and feel virtuous about doing all that housework.