Sunday, May 29, 2022

Hands2Help final link party!

 Hi everyone, and welcome back to the Hands2Help Challenge! 
As we all know, all good things must end, but with quilters, they usually end in a flurry of color, pattern, and fuzzy batting. Which is what today is for-- it's time to show off what you've made throughout the challenge! Link up below and let us all share in the quilty goodness.

Two small things before we start the party-- first, please don't forget to fill out the Count the Quilts form so we can get a final count of the quilts. We have more than 400 counted right now! The form is right HERE.

Second, some of you may have already received your prizes from the challenge, while others haven't. Don't worry! I've had to spread the postage out a bit, so I've sent some out early. All will be explained next week in the thank you post!

A few people sent their photos a bit too late for last week's post, so let's have a look at their beautiful quilts before we get to the link party. Photo collages created in Google Photos, but no other alterations to the quilty goodness!

Jannette sent these tops to Victoria's Quilts Canada:

And these as well:

All beauties, and much appreciated, I'm sure.  Kathie L. from Pennsylvania made these three:

Gorgeous! These went to Quilty Hugs, Little Lambs, and a local shelter.

Kathy Weed donated these quilts:

I love that beautiful blue applique!. She donated these as well--

Her quilts went to Covered in Love and to Little Lambs, along with some receiving blankets and burp cloths made from extra flannel. Beautiful donations!

Finally, but not last or least, Liz W. quilted and donated the four quilts in this collage:

And then she made and donated this quilt from scratch, too: 

Beauties! These all went to a local organization with the same mission as Little Lambs. 

And that wraps up the non-bloggers quilts for this year! Now for the linkup! You know how to do this:

*Link to your post, not to your blog in general.
*Visit other bloggers, leave comments, and share the love!
*Be nice!

Post your links here, and come back next week for the grand finale'!

This linky list is now closed.


ButterZ said...

There have been some beautiful quilts made for donations. Well done everyone.

Preeti said...

So much eye candy, Mari. Quilters are generous folks. However, the success of H2H this year is in no small measure due to your hard work. I am sure Sara is proud and completely awestruck by what you have achieved. Kudos to you. You deserve to put up your feet and get a foot massage :-) Hope to see you soon!

quiltingbydawn said...

Hi Mari, The Linky Party is only allowing me to post one of my quilts. Is there away to allow for additional quilts to be part of the Linky Party?
I want to also thank you for stepping up in Sarah's absence to do all the hard work this year for this worthy cause. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 The numbers are great and I am grateful to give back during this challenge.

Susie H said...

Such a beautiful array of quilts. I'm sure they will all be appreciated wherever they end up. I'm sorry I crumped out for this challenge but there's always next year, right? You did a great job, Mari, keeping everyone organized and on task.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Thank you, Mari for leading H2H this year. My quilts have arrived at Alycia's for quilting and will then move on to Mercyful Quilts. I am in awe of the colors and designs used by so many who have shared comfort quilts this year!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

So many lovely quilts. A big thanks goes to you for taking this on. It is a ton of work! Well Done!

Ivani said...

Lovely quilts. Congrats to all and especilly to you. <3

piecefulwendy said...

So many pretty quilts, and how great that 400 have already been counted! I'm kinda bummed the surgery messed up my finish, but it will get done in its own time. You've done a great job of hosting, Mari!