Friday, February 2, 2024

Two rounds

 Hello all! How have you been? I'm doing okay. Classes are well underway and I'm already giving quizzes. Yeah, I'm that kind of professor. And hey-- apparently I'm in Blogger jail! I can't comment on any Blogger blogs. I just tried and it first refuses to 'sign me in' (even though I'm already signed in) and then when I try the other ways it tells me either that my comment failed or that I'm insecure. Okay, maybe the comment is insecure. It's unclear. So I'm sorry that I haven't commented on your lovely creations! Anyone know how to get out of this, or is it just a 'wait it out' kind of thing?

Anyway, all I've had time to work on for the last few days is the Stay at Home Round Robin from Quilting Gail and friends. Here's where I am after two rounds:

The first round, from Wendy, was the signature blocks, I made three sides in red and the bottom in blue. Do those blue ones not look like choppy seas? I added the green borders just to bring everything up to a 'normal' size. It was 36-1/2 by 26-1/2 after that first round.

Wondering about that odd red thing in the center of the upper red row? I couldn't make the math work for the red signature blocks to fit properly, so I made a piece a little bigger than the other blocks to fit in the middle and space everything out so it looked decent. I didn't really figure on the nice way it fits with the signature blocks, but it works!

The prompt for the second round was 'two colors' and I thought this was a great opportunity to use some leftover quarter square triangle blocks. The blues aren't as light as they look in the picture, and we can just pretend they're fog rolling in to the harbor or something. These blocks are 4 inches finished and I am so thrilled to use them up. 

So that's where this project stands! I'm hoping to stitch some things this weekend, and maybe send off another quilt top for quilting. Or maybe I'll just put my feet up and read a book until I figure out how to get to make comments again. Have a great weekend everyone!

Sharing at the SAHRR linkup and Finished or Not Friday.


Nancy said...

Do you use Firefox? If so, that may be the problem with not being able to leave blog comments. To fix that, go to the upper left size of the box where the url is. There's a little shield there. Click it and move the circle to the left. That will allow you to leave comments on blogs. Firefox is very protective of its users.
Your quilt looks great with the additional borders.

Kate said...

I really love your center blocks. Getting the blocks to fit is definitely a challenge, but it makes for some unique solutions. You've done a great job using up those bits and pieces.

Sara said...

Very clever additions to your SAHRR. I like where you are going with this. I'm kind of "stuck" over Round #2, and haven't done it yet.

Susie H said...

Nice job on your SAHRR, Mari. Had to laugh over the quizzes. When I was in school, I liked quizzes. I was told I was unsecure and that my comment was accepted either due to expired FaceBook login. I took the Logout option and miraculously I was then given the option to just enter my name and email address. Poof! I was on again and running. Hope you can work your way through this conundrum too.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

This is so cute, Mari! Yes, the blue signature blocks definitely look like waves under your boats. I like the triangle blocks at the top and bottom, too. I'm sorry you're having trouble commenting, and hope you get it figured out. I don't think you're the only one!

JanineMarie said...

I love how your quilt is telling a story—choppy seas and fog rolling in. I hope those sailors are hardy. They seem to be sailing blissfully anyway. I like how that extra block at the top just fits right in with the border. I’m sorry about your commenting woes but am too limited to have any advice. I have had various issues during the linky party but not that one. Good luck!

Laura K said...

Love what you are doing there.
If I add your email address to my subscriber list, you should be able to comment on my blogs. I post at Would you like me to do that?
Laura Kate

Quiltdivajulie said...

Blogger jail - hah! I have found that for some blogs I simply email the person directly and skip the comment box altogether. What a PITA ... you are not alone. Your round robin top is coming along nicely!

Bernie Kringel said...

Yep - Commenting makes me crazy too. But the rough seas and the fog - that's just perfect. When I saw the thumbnail of the quilt in a link up I immediately thought you had the boats out on the ocean. Well done!!

Kathleen said...

I love this! The red and blue signature blocks are perfect. I love your solution to make the red work in the top...that math can be so annoying when it comes to figuring these things out. The QSTs are perfect for the two color round, and how nice there were some leftovers that worked. Yup, sea and sky you have it all for your little boats!

grammajudyb said...

I’m sorry you are having blogger trouble! It is a PITA! I like the little red square addition at the top of Round 1 and really like the blue quarter square triangles. Cool. I made lots a squares this week. (Wink,wink) Hope you got my note!!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Lovely. You have continued the tall ship theme nicely with each addition and solved some tricky design decisions.

piecefulwendy said...

Those blue signature blocks definitely look like choppy seas, and I am liking what you've done with the other borders as well. Hope you enjoy some fun sewing this weekend!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I like it!! what a fun SAHRR to work on!!!