Friday, June 23, 2023

Neighborhood table

 Hi everyone! How was your week? Mine was a doozy, and I will tell you all about it at the end of this post. We have to get to the quilty stuff first, right? Today I'm showing the rest of the placemats I made for the Rainbow Neighbourhood quilt along at mmmquilts. Most people made an actual quilt, but these houses just screamed 'fun placemats!' to me, so that's what I made. Here is the whole set of six:

It has been raining for the past couple of days (hurray!), so the pictures are a little washed out, but aren't those great placemats? They each finish at about 16 by 20, a very nice generous size for outdoor eating in the summer.

How about some closer pictures? Here are the two that I had finished earlier and already posted about:

Obviously those were photographed on a much brighter day! 

I call this one the party house, and it's my granddaughter's favorite because it's mostly purple:

Doesn't that look like a house that has a lot of fun summer parties? Or maybe it looks like a house of some people you knew in college. You know the ones I mean. . . I love the pink roof and the wild colors of this house.

This is the hippie house, the home of some very laid back people:

If I had had some fabric with a peace sign, I would have found a way to incorporate it, but nothing like that in all the fabric I own. I'm sure the people in this house have no trouble with their very unusual turquoise roof. 

Next up is the birdhouse, which was very, very hard to photograph, for unknown reasons:

As you can see, the birds have a design feature on the front of their home. I added the extra green strip because there was no way for me to match up all the birds, and it just looked too weird when I joined the front pieces together. I love the star on the side of this house, too. 

Finally, there is the garden house, which might be my favorite:

This is probably the house I would choose to live in, if such a thing were possible. It looks so peaceful. And it was a great use of a gray and coral fat quarter, which I got in a kit that I bought a while ago just for the fabric in it.

All in all, a fun project for a fun summer table! The pattern is great and chock-ful of all kinds of things I didn't include, including different kinds of house features, all the different blocks for the sides of the houses, and some trees and flowers, plus two different layouts and instructions for a pillow. You could end up with some fun placemats, too!

So, here's why I had a heck of a week--

Short version: I have a pulmonary embolism. You can read more about what that is HERE. Pay attention to the 'lfe-threatening' part.

Longer version: Last Wednesday, as I was finishing stitching on the binding on one of these placemats, I started having trouble breathing and was sweating and shaking, so I thought I was having a heart attack. That's your first thought, right? Of course we went right to the emergency room, and if you ever want fast service, walk in and tell them you think you're having a heart attack. You'll get four nurses and a doctor to help you right away. It wasn't a heart attack, but hours and many tests later, they discovered a pulmonary embolism. I'm happy to know what happened, and glad that the hospital took such good care of me. I'm taking more (very expensive) medication than I ever thought possible, and I get to have even more tests! Won't that be fun?

So, there's what happened! It was exciting and terrifying, and continues to be so. All of my summer plans are up in the air, so we'll have to rearrange. I gues that means more time for stitching, right? It's a non-stressful activity, isn't it? 

Take care of yourselves, friends, and have a great weekend! If you have trouble breathing or your chest hurts, get help right away. Take it from me!

Sharing at Sandra's quiltalong linkup, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished or not Friday, and the Quilting, Patchwork, Applique linkup.


Amy said...

So glad you are ok. How scary. Your placemats are adorable. I love the hippie house, as I was born in 1970.

Sara said...

I'm so glad you are doing well. That is a scary situation. One of my sons-in-law passed out (a couple years ago) at the elementary school while picking up his kids. People allowed him to take the kids and go home, but then he drove himself to the ER. He also thought it was a heart attack even thought he was only 40 at the time. He had 2 embolisms, and ended up in ICU for several days. He's also been doing very well since.

BTW - very cute house blocks in those placemats.

skynme said...

How scary! I’m so happy you are ok. Please rest and take care of yourself and your houses are super cute.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Oh, Mari - that is not the way to start your summer break! So glad you got help right away. Take good care of yourself. Your house placemats are so pretty and fun - won't they set a happy table?!

grammajudyb said...

Yikes! Mari! How frightening! I hope the medication is helpful and you improve every day! Love the take on the house blocks! What a great idea! I love the card trick star in your birdie house. Good contrast there, so you can see the design. I picked a medium and a dark that were too close......mines a bit muddled. Hope you can continue to enjoy your summer.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Wow, Mari, that was quite the frightening experience for you. But thankfully modern medicine is what it is these days and you will recover well with meds and check ups. I know this because my husband experienced the identical thing...I called an ambulance assuming it was a heart attack. He has recovered and still takes a med for it but is fine.
Now what beautiful placemats you have here. I love them and the job you did of quilting them too. What a wonderful finish and so useful too!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

ummmm that is not the experience we wanted to have happen! Oh my goodness!! I am so glad you got the proper care so quickly. That is scary!!
The houses are so fun - I think I like Hippie House the best - just cuz of the name!!
Relax = stay stress free... goodness!!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I'm happy you recognized how serious it was and got to the ER right away. My son's friend had one in his mid 40s and he is doing fine, just takes good care of himself now. We all get a little scared when we get our first wake up call. Your placemats are going to make some happy mealtime!

Laura said...

Goodness, Mari! I am so happy that you are doing well!
Great way to use those blocks...I love the placemats! :)

Rebecca Grace said...

OH MY WORD, Mari!!!! I am so glad you got treatment right away and that you're okay! Your placemats are just delightful. Take good care of yourself!

Kate said...

Thankful paid attention to the symptoms and got to the hospital immediately. Fingers crosse they find the cause and get you on the right path going forward.

The placemats are really fun. I have to say my favorite is the party house, I just love the colors.

JanineMarie said...

Oh, Mari, I’m so glad you could get help right away and that they didn’t have to go in and fish that thing out. I hope the clot will dissolve quickly and that your summer won’t be too disrupted. Do take care. I like your idea to make colorful placemats from the house blocks. I may need to copy you as I still have a bunch of BearPaw blocks lying around that need to be used somehow. I can just see your grandkids picking their favorite housemat to use when they visit.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

What a tough week! I'm glad you got good care right away. Good luck with all the icky tests. I love your house blocks, such great colors!

MissPat said...

I'm glad you didn't mess around and got yourself to the ER right away. Even if your summer gets rearranged now, at least you're here to enjoy it. Who nows, it may turn out to be yoour best summer ever. I'm with your granddaughter. The Party house is my favorite, too.

Bernie Kringel said...

Mari - that sounds absolutely horrible. I bet you and your husband were just terrified. Thankful you are heading on the right path for recovery. Take notes, do the tests, take the meds. Get better!! So sorry you had this happen to you.

On a lighter note, the placemats are adorable. What a fun way to use these blocks. Enjoy them all summer long!

The Joyful Quilter said...

What a great way to use the blocks from Sandra's SAL!!

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

PTEs are definitely scary, Mari. I'm so glad you are ok. I understand about the expensive meds! I had a clot in my leg earlier in the year and I thought I'd pass out when they said the Rx was $600! Take good care of yourself. I love your placemats!

Allison said...

Wow! Glad you received good care and a quick diagnosis. Hope you continue to make a good recovery and enjoy lots of peaceful sewing.
Your placemats are lovely and I enjoyed reading the stories you've attached to each house.

Sandra Walker said...

Yikes Mari! I’m glad you’re getting good care and having more tests. Heart problems don’t run in my family; they gallop… and I had a heart monitor for 3 days last week because of ongoing heart issues so yeah, ‘exciting’ and scary both. Stitching is definitely good calming medicine. Thank you for joining in with my annual QAL and thank you for such lovely placemats and a story for each house! They tend to each have a personality don’t they? I need to write my own neighbourhood’s story I think, as my friend Helen suggested!

Susie H said...

Your placemats are adorable but the best news is you got to the hospital right away and they were able to take care of you. Not a great way to start your summer vacation, girl! Take it easy, get your rest, take your meds, and yes! Sew, sew, sew!

piecefulwendy said...

Oh yikes, Mari. I'm so glad you acted on what you were feeling and went to ER. So good that you were able to get good help and meds. Curveballs like this are no fun, but you are still here with us, and I'm so happy about that. Your little neighborhood of houses are just delightfully fun. Rest and take care!

Susan Smith said...

Hope you are OK. Love table mats. Take care of yourself and hugs from down under.

Kathleen said...

I'm so glad you paid attention and the medical folks did, too. Pulmonary embolisms are really scarry, so glad you are taking it easy. Meanwhile, those Rainbow Neighbourhood placemats are fabulous. I love the variations in each and the party house and the hippie house but they are all so much fun. I almost think I might keep making them as they are a delight each time you finish one! Take care and listen to what the doctors say!

ButterZ said...

Mari, so happy you acted on the warning signs. Now to get it sorted and take care of yourself. Your placemats are wonderful. So full of fun.

Leafprint Studio said...

Love your placemats! So sorry to hear about your health scare. Please don't get anymore covid vaccines. They are wreaking havoc on so many people's health with clots, heart problems and sudden outbreaks of cancer. It's not worth it.