Saturday, October 7, 2023

Catching some falling stars

 Hi all! Long time no see! How have you been? We are only talking about good things today, so no need to go into how I am. But hey, here's a happy thing-- the part for my sewing machine made it here from somewhere in the outer galaxy and my machine is now back home, stitching away happily. If only it could stitch away without me there, I would get so much more done! 

Today I'm trying to catch up on my RSC blocks. I'm not behind, I'm just going at my own pace! Thinking about it that way makes me feel so much better, especially since I haven't put together one of last year's projects yet, either. This week I managed to make two turquoise blocks:

Are those not very cute? Yes, I will lose a few points when I put everything together, but I just can't care. I think they'll look great anyway. And, of course, the leaves are falling in earnest now.

This is a block called Odd Fellow's Chain, and I made a whole RSC quilt from this block once. Yes, it has a lot of pieces, but sometimes I find that very relaxing. A lot to keep track of, no time to think about bad stuff. And I love how it looks in the aqua!

Ignore the water spots! It decided to rain this morning, but took just enough break for some pictures. The second block is called Broken Star, and I also made it before. This time was a smaller size, which made for some really interesting cutting sizes. I must have messed up somewhere because I'm going to lose a few points, but I still like it.

I have 34 blocks for this project now, and I haven't made any yellow ones yet, so once I make a few of those I'll be closing in on the final number of blocks for this year. I thought I would set these with an alternate block, but I think that would make the quilt too big. So I guess some playing around is in order.

That's it for today! I feel lucky to have gotten this far, and I think I may have some more time in the coming weeks. This stuff we're dealing with is heavy, folks, and it's not coming to an end soon. I need to build in more happy spaces for myself, that's for sure.

The last tomato! Time to pull out those plants and get everything cleaned up. Hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm off to search through some happy yellows.

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC23.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love the turquoise I pulled my last tomato plants last week and have several sitting in the kitchen ripening

Cathy said...

Oh my goodness - those stars are just to die for! And that’s coming from someone who has just sewn 142 sawtooth stars over the last four months or so. Yes, points are lost in the process because we are gloriously human. But like you said, we can’t care about it! Sending you hugs for all the behind-the-scenes angst, but also for your wonderful, cheerful stars and attitude! xo

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your turquoise blocks are definitely something happy to focus on, Mari! Love that photo of all the stars together. They're going to make a great quilt! Continuing to send lots of positive thoughts for you, Mari.

Jenny said...

You've only got ONE RSC from last year to complete? I can beat you hands down, guess I took on too much. Your blocks look so pretty, and I'm pleased that stitching them is your happy place, pushing your troubles into the background.

JanineMarie said...

Good to see a post from you, Mari. I didn’t realize you hadn’t been posting because I haven’t been blog reading lately. I hope all will be well for you. I love your aqua blocks. I am into any color that looks like water lately. Do enjoy that last tomato. That’s one thing I’ll miss from summer—but SO ready for the cool temps that are finally here.

Katie said...

The blocks are great and working at your own pace is the best choice. Keeping up with others will always make you feel rushed and not good enough - your work IS good enough! As for a sewing machine sewing without me, I'd much rather my toilet cleaned itself and my floors mopped themselves while I operated the sewing machine! Waaaay more fun sewing than doing chores. Or going to work. Or doing any other not-sewing thing, for that matter! I hope you continue to find time to do fun things between the hard ones and I hope the hard things come to a good end soon.

ButterZ said...

Hi Mari. Are you making different size blocks to go into one quilt.

Julie in GA said...

Your turquoise star blocks are beautiful! I especially love the Odd Fellow's Chain--that's a lot of triangles! I'm glad you got your machine back and can enjoy a little stitching therapy in between the other stuff that's going on.

MissPat said...

What's a few lost points among friends? Odd Fellow's Chain is a great block, but I don't think I'd want to make a whole quilt with it. Too many triangles. I'm sorry life is being dificult for you. I'll keep sending positive vibes and hope sewing with your repaired machine brings you some joy.

Kathleen said...

Fabulous blocks! I like your approach, going at your own pace. I am sure you will come up with the perfect setting. Those points will never be noticed in a finished quilt.

sue s said...

I love your aqua blocks, especially the Odd Fellow. As we go through some heavy stuff in our family I was advised to try a gratitude journal. I don't write every day because some days there is nothing to be grateful for, but it has helped me. You do a good job with keeping a positive blog and I hope that helps you.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Sometimes just petting fabric and my half sewn blocks helps me. Sometimes just oiling and cleaning a machine when I can't sew. I wish I could park myself and sew all day, all the trouble away.

Quiltdivajulie said...

We are nearing our last tomatoes, too. And our coleus that have grown to very large sizes are turning yellow so it won't be long until those are removed and the pumpkins arrive (large ones from Costco to live in the yard until the end of November)

Sara said...

Such beautiful blocks!!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

your new blocks are so pretty - this is going to be a fun quilt!

The Joyful Quilter said...

I'm sad to hear that you are dealing with some heavy stuff, Mari. Aqua blocks are the perfect choice to bring a sense of calm into the sewing room. Hoping things will get better for you sooner than you expect they might and sending quilty hugs!