Saturday, October 28, 2023

Gold star

Hey there everyone, and happy weekend! It's been a very busy and very weird week. It was in the 80s this week, which was very weird, and very sweaty. Get those students in a room with no AC and it gets funky fast. They also have started a bunch of road projects, which I do not appreciate in October, and on top of everything, I got a flat and it couldn't be patched. I had to buy two new tires! Apparently, you can never buy just one. Don't we think that we should have solved this problem by now?

Anyway. . .I finished up one of the last of the star blocks for the RSC star quilt. One block! Here she is:

A gold and yellow star! No RSC star quilt would be complete without one of Angela's Twinkle Stars, would it? This gold and yellow star turned out nicely, though the contrast is a little strong. If I'd had enough of the lighter yellow I would have switched the colors, but I'm trying to use up scrap pieces. But who doesn't need a gold star?

So now I have 31 blocks. I must have skipped a couple along the way, because I should have 35. Maybe there weren't enough scraps for some colors?
Let's hear it for a design floor! I have two more (lighter) aqua blocks cut out but not stitched, and I could make another yellow, which would still leave me needing one more block. What color do you think that should be?

I may not have made much progress this week, but it feels good to make some progress. At least I know where I am. And speaking of making progress. . .

A while ago, when I couldn't sew but I wanted to touch fabric, I put all my books and notions into the closet and pulled all the fabric out where I could see it. When Preeti came over last week she couldn't take the fact that it was all jumbled up together, so she sorted it all out by color. Didn't she do great? It feels pretty wonderful and comforting, and why did I have the fabric where I couldn't see it anyway? Thanks Preeti!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. We are awaiting a big weather change and a big event for our family coming this week. It's a pretty lousy event, but it does mean that some things will be settled and we can all move on, at least for a while. So I hope you all get some serious relaxing done this weekend!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC23.


Dawn in NL said...

Wishing you strength for your family thing. Loving your stars. I think you could add another deep pink star, the colour on rightmost block second row from the top.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Look at that beautiful rainbow of fabric stash! I would just enjoy looking at that even if I couldn't sew. Your star blocks are wonderful, Mari! Hope it's not too challenging to come up with 4 more. They're going to make a beautiful quilt! Wishing you a good week. ❤️

quiltingbydawn said...

Great collection of stars! Maybe another purple star or bright pink? Have a great week!

Cathy said...

Your Star blocks are amazing! I don’t know how you’ll narrow the color choice down, but I do know it will be beautiful, as always! Good luck with your family thing. Wishing you strength and calm… xo

Gwyned Trefethen said...

That's quite collection of star blocks. Not sure I have seen Angela's twinkle star before. I love it. Your colors are well balanced, so it is difficult to select a which ones should have an extra vs which color is needed. Personally, I love deep dark greens and purples, so I would go with those.

Jenny said...

Such a good friend to organize your fabric for you. Maybe she needs a gold star for doing that job so well!

Kathleen said...

Fabulous star and quilt top to made soon...will you make a few more or add the extra to the back? Nice job on the fabric organizing with Pretti's help. Looks like a quilt store!

Kate said...

Love your twinkle star block. You've got a fun scrappy quilt in the works. Hopefully everyone gets through the lousy event and has an easier time on the other side of it.

MissPat said...

The one drawback to having fabric stored on open shelves is potential fading, especially along the fold lines. As I recall your sewing studio is in the basement, so hopefully rhere isn't a lot of window exposure. Wishing you peace following the family event. The weather, though, we can't do much about.

Sara said...

Your fabric storage looks fantastic! And I do LOVE how that gold star turned out. You're so right about those Twinkle Stars. They are one of the best blocks out there.

Keeping you in mind this week as you navigate life's challenges. Hugs!!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

That is a great star!!! It looks wonderful with all those other blocks... and tires - right? glad you are back in action!

Nann said...

I love the Twinkle Star block and it adds sparkle to your sampler quilt. Now, there's a great gig: going to people's sewing studios and sorting/arranging their stashes.

Preeti said...

Such a stunning sampler, these blocks will make. It is like a directory of blocks. Mari, it is time to write a pattern. Hmm, not enough contrast, you say? Need some yellows? Come over and pick out from my neatly arranged and well-curated fabric display :-D Big hugs.